设施管理 & 计划(FMP)

The Department of 设施管理 & 规划 supports the University's physical resources to provide a healthy 和 safe educational environment for our community. 了解我们的 使命及价值观.





Report unsecured door, flood, st和ing water, power outage, building fire alarms.



For problems with cable, telephone, or network, Please contact IT Support.



External building card swipes support for damaged or lost card replacement.


  • How do I get something fixed on campus?

    提交一个 工作请求 through iServiceDesk or call the Facilities Service Desk at 303-871-2200 weekdays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. 下午4:30.m. Please note that iServiceDesk is only available when connected to the University network, 要么在学校,要么通过 杜VPN. For complete instructions on submitting an iServiceDesk 工作请求, 看到 the 如何提交工作请求 页面.

    您也可以提交一份 电子邮件 with your 工作请求 information if you are unable to access the iService portal 页面.

  • What is the difference between an emergency 和 routine call?

    Emergency calls are those that involve the threat of damage to life or property, e.g. gas leaks, water leaks, fire alarms, etc.

    Please call 303-871-2200 during business hours to report an emergency call.

    After hours, please call 校园安全 at 303-871-3000.

    Routine calls involve requests for services that can be scheduled, e.g. 油漆、灯泡、钥匙等.

  • Where is the 设施管理 & 规划处?

    设施管理 administrative reception is located at 2400 S. 比赛圣reet在二楼. The front of the 设施管理 建筑 faces east toward the Physics 建筑. There is limited parking for clients 和 vendors, so please be considerate of others.

  • 我如何订购钥匙?

    Requests for a new keys must be preauthorized by supervisors or 建筑 Managers 和 be submitted with an online 工作请求. 请检查 密钥访问策略 和 allow 7–10 days for turn-around time.

  • How often is my science lab cleaned?

    Science labs are located in the Physics 建筑, Seely, Mudd, 和 Olin Hall. The Custodial department has access to these labs five days a week, 和 they are cleaned as scheduled by the faculty of that department or lab. Check with a staff member in your specific lab for the cleaning schedule.

  • How can I order a new sign or nameplate?

    Signage is a responsibility of the General 维护 Shop located in the 设施管理 建筑. To order a new sign or nameplate, submit a Facilities 工作请求 through iServiceDesk. Please include all relevant details to ensure prompt 和 accurate service.

  • 如何回收校园内的物品?

    正规赌博十大平台排行的 回收计划 involves thous和s of recycling bins located next to nearly every trash receptacle on the DU campus. The program from Altogether Recycling™ allows different recycling materials to be co-mingled in the same bin. 高山荒原 & Recycling company is responsible for sorting the materials.

    For a complete list of what we recycle, including instructions on how to recycle e-waste such as computers 和 batteries, 看到 这个页面.

Need to Report a Problem or Request a Repair?

Requests must be submitted on secure VPN or EduRoam WiFi



