
计费和. 非账单服务

一般来说,你会的 负责日常维护, 修复, 或更换 of parts for your building structure, 系统, 组件, 和/或基础设施. This type of work is performed by 设施管理 on a schedule that is determined by priority of need, taking into account impact on the University's mission, the life cycle of the system or component, 工作人员的可用性, 以及资金分配.

be charged for discretionary non-维护 service requests, installation or 维护 of department-owned equipment, 和 any building alterations or improvements that fall outside the University's annual Plant Fund projects.

Rule of thumb: If a piece of equipment is 不 part of a building system over which 设施管理 has full operating control, whether it was installed at the time of construction or added later, it is the responsibility of the department that controls the equipment to fund its 修复, 维护, 或更换.



  • Hanging of items in your office including white boards, bulletin boards, framed pictures, 等.
  • Wall 修复s 和 painting due to relocation of hanging items
  • Re-keying of locks 和 new/replacement keys
  • 新的标志或标志的变化
  • All moving assistance including the disposal of equipment or furniture
  • All set-up activities for special events including table/chair set-up, 悬挂横幅, 电气的支持, 关闭灌溉, 在活动期间或之后的清理, 等.
  • Vehicle 维护, registration, 和 修复
  • New window treatments including shades, blinds, 等.
  • Maintenance or installation of department-owned equipment including desk lamps
  • Paint jobs involving accent walls or common areas less than five years old
  • New or redesigned HVAC equipment that is 不 on the University Plant Fund or Capital Improvement lists
  • All building alterations or improvements that are 不 part of the University's Capital Improvement plan
  • Carpet replacement that is 不 for safety or part of the University's Plant Fund
  • Furniture fabrication 和 care 不 specifically funded by the University
  • Wood floor care 不 specifically funded by the University
  • 额外的垃圾收集请求
  • 回收电脑设备
  • 所有的破坏



  • 暖通空调系统维修和维护

    空气处理系统, 冷水机组系统, 冷室系统, 冷却塔系统, 过滤器更换, 水处理, 球迷, 泵, 传感器, 燃气供热系统, 蒸汽加热系统, 等.

  • 电气系统

    电力分配系统, 应急照明, 更换灯管及灯泡, 备用发电机, 室外照明控制

  • 管道系统

    家用冷水分配系统, 自动喷水灭火系统, 屋顶排水系统, 雨水排放系统, 污水排放系统, 热水系统, 泵, regulatory compliance requirements associated with fire 泵, 回流认证, 砂油拦截器, 油坑, 应急淋浴试验

  • 日常维修

    天花板维修, 门维修, 硬件维修, 地板修补, 更换玻璃和修理窗户, 涂鸦去除, scheduled painting of common areas 和 building exteriors, 楼梯和扶手维修, 墙维修, roof 修复s including gutters 和 downspouts, 人行道的维修, 窗户和建筑物的嵌缝, 外部家具修理, 电梯召回检查, 灭火器保养

  • 厨房维修

    Maintenance of kitchen equipment in our on-campus commercial 和 catering kitchens does 不 include break room equipment or other kitchen equipment 不 specifically funded by the University.

  • 托管服务

    General building cleaning services (five nights a week unless specifically funded by the University), 定期清洗地毯, 预定的地板抛光和打蜡, 卫生间用品, 捡垃圾, 定期回收服务

  • 场地及园景服务

    Turf management (fertilizing, weeding, mowing, 等.), l和scape management (planting flower 和 shrub beds, mulching, trimming, 等.), 树保健, 除雪, 清理垃圾, 停车场清扫和维护, 人行道的维修, 灌溉维修, 回流认证, 运动场护理

  • 合同服务

    All elevator 修复s 和 preventative 维护, pest control (excluding specific requests for off-schedule services), outside large trash container scheduled pick-up




Because it has been charged with the responsibility of maintaining campus buildings 和 infrastructure, only the Department of 设施管理 & 规划 is authorized to perform building 维护, alterations, or improvements. Any work done by other University entities or outside contractors that involves the alteration of campus buildings must be done with the full knowledge 和 approval of the Department of 设施管理 & 规划 to ensure all code requirements are met 和 University st和ards are maintained.



Questions regarding the funding source for a requested service must be discussed with the appropriate 设施管理 administrator, whose staff is responsible for providing the service, 工作开始前. Otherwise, charges 将 be the responsibility of the requesting department. 设施管理 将 st和 by all cost estimates provided before work begins unless the scope of the project changes unexpectedly.


