
In 2017, DU professor Katherine Crowe ushered in this idea of remembering DU’s omitted Black alumnae by constructing a comprehensive study of the famous Black women who attended the university starting at 1900 和 ending around 1945. 通过研究年鉴, 档案, 以及历史悠久的丹佛黑人报纸, 《正规赌博十大平台排行》,克罗和她的同事们试图追踪这些女性和她们的故事. The project eventually culminated in the 2018 Anderson Academic Commons exhibition entitled, “寻求优雅.克劳与杜里大学的Sistah Network合作举办了这次展览, a group of DU Black women graduate students working to support African American females at the university. 

*Please note that this page will grow 和 evolve as we continue to locate the 档案 of our past Black alumni 和 alumnae. 


The title of the exhibit serves as a nod to the first black woman to receive a four-year bachelor’s degree from DU, 格蕾丝·梅布尔·安德鲁斯. 1908年毕业, Andrews made history 和 blazed a path for black women 和 men to seek out a college education at the predominately white DU. Andrews majored in Latin with minors in French 和 economics 和 eventually went on to teach in Tulsa 和 Kansas City.《正规赌博十大平台排行》记录了她在丹佛历史性的毕业典礼, 写作, “梅布尔·安德鲁斯小姐获得了B级学位.A. 周三晚上从正规赌博十大平台排行毕业. 她是我市第一个获得这个学位的有色人种女孩. We are very proud of Miss Andrews 和 feel that the honor conferred upon her reflects credit upon all of our people in Denver.”

“寻求优雅” also outlined the lives of countless other Black women to make history at DU. Though the exhibit is not on display anymore, the report from Crowe can still be found 在线

自1945年以来,许多其他开创性的黑人校友在正规赌博十大平台排行创造了历史. 康多莉扎·赖斯, 杜克大学学士和博士学位获得者, 2005年至2009年,她在乔治·W·布什(George W . bush)总统任内担任第66任国务卿. 布什. Rice transcended United States history as the first ever black female Secretary of State 和 second African American secretary ever since Colin Powell. 

在杜克大学期间, Rice initially enrolled as a music major until her passion for international studies sparked when she took a class from Josef 戈倍尔, 正规赌博十大平台排行国际研究学院就是以他的名字命名的. 戈倍尔, 马德琳·奥尔布赖特的父亲,她是美国唯一的女国务卿, 赖斯的前任——是赖斯在杜克大学期间的主要灵感来源. 


康多莉扎·赖斯19岁就从杜肯塔基大学毕业了. Photo courtesy of Humphrey Fellows at Cronkite School of Journalism 和 Mass Communication.

在政府中也是如此, 杜克大学毕业生乔治·莱斯利·布朗是一名塔斯基吉飞行员, editor for the Denver Post 和 was one of the first black members of the Colorado House of Representatives. 在布朗辉煌而漫长的职业生涯中, the politician 和 writer helped further the cause of African Americans in Colorado. 

在塔斯基吉空军服役后, Brown pursued journalism 和 moved to Denver upon receiving a job at The Denver Post. Brown reshaped the journalism industry by becoming the first Black editor at a major Colorado newspaper, 他最终在杜里大学教书并做研究生工作. 

然而,布朗无疑是科罗拉多州在政治上最具影响力的人物. In 1956, 他被选为科罗拉多州参议员, 使他成为第一个担任这个职位的黑人公民. 随后,他连续五次当选州参议员. 继续从政, Brown also became Colorado’s first black lieutenant governor in 1974 of the 20th century.  

从1974年到1978年,DU还主持了传奇喜剧演员辛巴达,原名大卫·阿特金斯. 虽然他在丹佛的时候并没有把幽默作为职业来追求, Sinbad played for the DU basketball team 和 then served in the Air Force after graduating. 在军队里表演了即兴喜剧之后, 辛巴达一跃进入娱乐圈, eventually accruing widespread fame through TV shows “A Different World” 和 “The Sinbad Show.” He also starred in popular movies like “Necessary Roughness,” “Jingle All the Way” 和 “Houseguest.” 

虽然杜克大学以曲棍球而闻名, famous Broncos football players Reggie 河流 和 Floyd Douglas Little also received higher education at the university. 河流, 从野马队的跑卫变成广播员和演说家, 获正规赌博十大平台排行学全球研究硕士学位. Broncos halfback Little also retired from football 和 graduated from DU law school with a legal administration degree. 





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    Most histories of women of color at predominantly white institutions begin 和 end with “firsts.人们对艾玛·阿扎利亚·哈克利(1900)了解甚多。, 而是格蕾丝·梅布尔·安德鲁斯的故事, 1908), 第二位从正规赌博十大平台排行毕业的黑人女性, is representative of the stories of many other Black women to graduate from DU during the first half of the twentieth century. She became a teacher, moving first to Tulsa, Oklahoma 和 then to Kansas City, Missouri. After 1932, project researchers have not been able to locate her in the historical record.

    格蕾丝, 还有很多黑人女性喜欢她, 出现在一瞥中:毕业典礼, 年鉴照片, 人口普查记录中的条目, 报纸上的提及. 她自己的个人记录——日记, 照片, 信件——在任何机构的档案中都找不到. This exhibit’s title is deliberate; in seeking 格蕾丝’s history, 我们也为她寻求某种程度的代表与和解, 以及所有追随他的人.

    访问完整的Kynewisbok 1908年年鉴

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    爱丽丝·伊莱恩·布朗·詹金斯 正规赌博十大平台排行校友, one of the first 残疾 Services Program (DSP) school teachers 和 was married to 小霍华德·詹金斯.他和他的两个姐妹都是杜克大学的校友. 爱丽丝和霍华德的女儿小朱迪思.他也是该校的校友,于20世纪60年代中期毕业. 

    霍华德, 鉴于他在联邦政府的领导角色, 比他的妻子和姐妹更有名吗, 但整个家庭都非常有公民意识和社区意识.

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    安娜·玛丽恩·詹金斯来自正规赌博十大平台排行学的一个学者家庭, 在她姐姐身边, 多丽丝·珍妮特·詹金斯和弟弟, 小霍华德·詹金斯. 


*Please note that this page will grow 和 evolve as we continue to locate the 档案 of our past Black alumni 和 alumnae.


黑人女校友,1900 - 1939


黑人女校友,1940 - 1945


黑人校友,1946 - 1949










The DU Special Collections 和 Archives 和 the Sistah Network worked in collaboration on the “寻求优雅” project to lift up Black womxn’s lived experiences 和 epistemologies, 创造一个更加公正和公平的大学.



The 正规赌博十大平台排行 did not capture racial or ethnicity information on its students until the 1990s, 这使得识别早期黑人校友的过程成为一个挑战. 最初, the University Archives partnered with DU’s Sistah Network to identify students based on 照片 present in the student yearbooks. We realized that assessment of racial 和 ethnic identity based solely on photographic evidence was flawed 和 problematic, 因此,我们决定将我们的研究结果与十年一度的美国人口普查结果进行交叉对照.S. census, which gave us another source of evidence, but presented similar challenges.

在2017年的夏天, the Curator of Special Collections 和 Archives decided to review all issues of the 科罗拉多州的政治家 from 1900-1945, Denver’s primary Black newspaper in search of community-identified alumnae. 虽然耗时,但这解决了两个方法上的问题. 第一个, 这是一个以社区为基础的信息来源, meaning all identifications of race 和 ethnicity were made by the community members (or at least those on the 政治家 编辑人员). 其次,鉴于社区强调教育是一种“种族提升”的形式 政治家他对丹佛黑人学生教育成就的报道, 从高中毕业到大学, 是彻底和一致的.




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    多丽丝·珍妮特·詹金斯(多丽丝·珍妮特·詹金斯)来自杜克大学的一个学者家庭, 在她姐姐身边, 安娜·玛丽恩·詹金斯和哥哥, 小霍华德·詹金斯. 她也是一名杰出的杜女子篮球运动员. 以下是一位专家摘自她所在球队的体育赛事集锦:


    Last year's championship team won two out of three games of the basketball tournament this season. They lost the first game to the Juniors 和 won the following two from the Freshmen 和 Seniors. 

    他们以22比21的最终比分击败了新生队. 这是本年度最棒的游戏. 

    全队表现出不同寻常的合作,发挥出色. Harriet Huckins, star forward, was the highest scoring player, making a total of 59 points. 她去年也获得了同样的荣誉. 

    Janice Waggener was the leader of her squad which was composed of: Harriet Huckins 和 Georgina Whitmore, forwards; Mildred Anderson, Dorothy Maguire 和 Lucia Young; guards Genevieve Davis, running center; 和 Janice Waggener, 跳中心."