A 历史概述 of the Black Experience at DU 和 Denver


A historical overview of the past 和 present life experiences of Black people at the 正规赌博十大平台排行 和 the City of Denver is vital in any effort to reconcile the inequities of our time. 在丹佛, there is a rich African American heritage, 从音乐节, 博物馆和蓬勃发展的爵士乐社区. Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington 和 Miles Davis have played in Denver. There are several places to experience the cultural influences of Black Denver, starting with the historic Five Points neighborhood--one of the nation’s first predominantly African American-owned business districts. This area was considered the “Harlem of the West” in the early 20th century.


The Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library houses an extensive collection of exhibits 和 reference materials that trace Black history in the West. This library was name by Omar Blair, a member of Tuskegee Airmen, 和 Elvin R. 考德威尔,一位当地的政治家. A short walk from the Blair-Caldwell图书馆 is the Black American West Museum 和 Heritage Center where history is brought to life through historic photographs 和 rare artifacts.

*标题图片: “很多东西要学” 勒罗伊·坎贝尔著 

为了纪念黑人历史月. 安德里亚特·乔丹·菲尔兹, 斯蒂芬妮·奥马利, Allana的强项, 和 Matthew Solomon spoke from their lived experiences 和 expertise about race, 空间, 和 how to build 和 maintain a recognized Black community at DU.

过去的 & 当前的学生行动主义

This information will be continuously updated with additional research.



The DU Black Student Alliance participated in the student strike of 1970 after the May 4th massacre at Kent State, where four students were killed 和 nine other unarmed Kent State University students were wounded. 这封信寄给了助理. 总理曼斯菲尔德. 请看下面的信.

致助理的信. 总理曼斯菲尔德 in the Library Archives



Education was a critical component of “racial uplift,” an ethos which developed in the Black community around the turn of the 20th century. 封装在W中.E.B. 杜布瓦” 黑人的灵魂 (1903), this idea emerged largely in response to the attrition of post-Civil War civil rights gains 和 a related increase in violence directed at the Black community.

Almost all of DU’s Black alumnae from 1900-1945 earned bachelor of arts degrees 和 went on to become public school teachers. 尽管许多人来自科罗拉多州, most had parents who had been born in the deep South 和 migrated West. After graduation, many alumnae who became educators moved to states with 法律上的 (根据法律)种族隔离, as Colorado’s Black population was small 和 they were not eligible to seek employment in Colorado’s 事实上的 segregated schools until the late 1930s.



Many early Black alumnae (1900-1945) had connections to Denver’s small but tight-knit network of Black women’s clubs 和 organizations. 丹佛是 事实上的 (事实上)而不是 法律上的 (根据法律)隔离的, 和 Black clubwomen were a key part of the social fabric 和 safety net for the Black community in the city, which often did not provide key social services to its citizens of color.

Clubs often had the motto “Lifting as We Climb,” which was a nod to “racial uplift” 和 the goal of the clubs to improve the whole of the Black community’s social 和 political status.


正规赌博十大平台排行, 成立于“科罗拉多神学院”,” has a long association with the Methodist church. All of DU’s Black alumnae (1900-1945) were associated with either Scott United Methodist Church (founded 1904) or Shorter Community AME (African Methodist Episcopal) Church (founded 1868), Denver’s two oldest Black Methodist churches.

The Methodist connection was great enough that Annie Cox, the only Black alumna during this period from outside the state of Colorado, traveled to DU all the way from Arkansas, 她的父亲牧师. Dr. James Monroe Cox was the first Black president of Phil和er Smith College, a Methodist Historically Black College 和 University (HBCU) in Little Rock.
