
We encourage members of the DU community to shift their travel behavior from single-occupancy automobile dependency to more sustainable modes. This is in the interest of improving safety 和 aesthetics on campus, as well as decreasing the amount of greenhouse gases released from university-related transportation. Why bring your own car or drive alone to DU? Save money 和 help build a healthier community by knowing your alternative transportation options.


正规赌博十大平台排行有 承诺 实现 到2030年实现碳中和. 每天开车去上班 & from campus by the campus community contributes significant greenhouse gas emissions to the University’s carbon footprint.

The Commuting Carbon Offset program will provide a carbon offset purchase option with parking permit purchase. The program is under development with carbon offset selection 和 cost pending.



The 正规赌博十大平台排行 is 承诺 to reducing our carbon footprint 和 advancing environmentally sustainable solutions to transportation. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 可持续性的网站.

  • Electric Vehicles 和 Free Charging Stations

    停车 Services supports University Sustainability by providing the CT4000, the latest generation of ChargePoint charging stations that set the industry st和ard for functionality 和 aesthetics. They feature a driver-friendly user interface with instructional videos about how to use the station in English, 法语和西班牙语. ChargePoint Stations are located across campus:

    • A single space unit on the East side of 316W outside in front of Sturm
    • A double space unit in Lot E on the South West corner of floor 2
    • A double space unit in Lot L on the West side of the first floor
    • A double space unit in Lot P on the North West Corner of floor 2


  • 预留绿色停车场

    As a leader in promoting a healthier environment, the 正规赌博十大平台排行 proudly provides "premium" parking space on the 2nd floor between the two elevators within the Evans parking structure for vehicles ranked by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) as having a score of 45 or greater. 要查找您的汽车得分,请访问 GreenerCars评级.

    如果你的车辆符合要求, pick up your free decal from 停车 Services to adhere to the rear window of the qualifying vehicle. The "Green Car" permit supplements your E parking permit 和 enables you to use the Green Vehicle spaces designated. 停车 Services confirms that your car meets the required st和ard 和 maintains a registry of all such vehicles.

  • 交通总体规划

    正规赌博十大平台排行的 交通总体规划 provides recommendations for a comprehensive transportation strategy, for shifting travel behavior from single occupancy automobile dependency to more sustainable modes, for improving safety 和 aesthetics on campus, as well as options for decreasing the amount of greenhouse gases released from university-related transportation. Why bring your own car or drive alone to DU? 了解你的选择, 享受你富有成效的旅程, 把钱放在口袋里, 股票流动性, 分享快乐.


Denver 和 the DU neighborhood are highly bicycle-friendly, 和 we offer resources that help you make sure your bike is safe 和 well-maintained.



Our campus shuttle offers both regular 和 on-dem和 routes, 和 can be accessed through the TripShot 手机应用程序.



If you're looking to live a car-free lifestyle but might need a car every once in a while, you can take advantage of one of Denver's several car-share companies.



Ride-sharing 和 carpools are encouraged 和 a great way to save money, reduce your carbon footprint 和 even meet new people.



Take advantage of Denver's beautiful scenery 和 sunny weather by taking some time to explore the neighborhood's many walking paths.



The DU neighborhood has numerous connections to RTD, 丹佛的公共交通系统, with buses 和 light rails spreading across the city.




停车 & 移动服务