
We provide opportunities to improve DU operations.

The 办公室 内部审计 independently 和 objectively examines 和 evaluates activities at the University. Our goal is to help identify opportunities to help DU improve operations 和 reduce risk, ultimately to increase the chances of meeting strategic goals.

内部审计 selects areas of focus based on an organization-wide risk assessment designed to enable us to devote our resources to those areas that may be most meaningful to assess. 在这些领域, we endeavor to provide an objective opinion as to whether procedures in place reasonably achieve the goals of key processes. We work with the Chancellor 和 the Audit Committee to create an annual audit plan, which guides our process 和 helps us determine which areas of the University are the best c和idates for our focus, 鉴于资源有限.

Our office also provides employees information about how to comply with relevant rules 和 regulatory requirements, 去哪里? 报告可疑或不正当的活动 可能违反学校政策的行为.


每年, 内部审计 proposes a slate of planned audits to 校董会审计委员会 for approval. We decide which departments to audit by considering:

  • The relative risk of various operations throughout the University, giving consideration to numerous types of risk
  • 过去审计的结果
  • 来自内部审计团队成员的意见, 校董会审计委员会, 大学管理, 部门经理和外部审计员
  • Requests for internal audit work from trustees or members of management



在一般情况下, 如果我们选择你的部门接受审计, we'll discuss such with senior managers in your office well in advance. 而审计从来都不是一个好时机, there are often particular times that are the worst, 我们尽最大努力避免这些.

We'll schedule a pre-audit meeting with leadership of the area to solicit input as to what areas would be best to address in the scope of the audit. This is a great time to ask questions or raise concerns about the process 和 how you can help.

After we solicit input from leadership 和 do preliminary information gathering, we finalize the scope of the audit 和 an estimated timeline of how long the audit will take.



规划: We review any applicable regulatory st和ards, industry st和ards, 和 prior audit work papers. We then meet with key members of management with responsibility for the function to obtain insight into areas that could be a focus of the audit. 这个过程帮助我们确定审计的范围.

实地考察: We conduct interviews, observe your department's workflow, assess your department's 控制, review 和 analyze documents, 和 compare 和 contrast record data. We may also perform detailed testing on specific samples. During fieldwork, we discuss any potential findings with management as they arise. 如果发现是形式化的, we request a responsive management action plan 和 a date by which it will be completed.

更新: Our staff will regularly share information about the ongoing audit, 审计的时间和进度, any findings that have resulted from fieldwork performed 和 any areas that are stumbling blocks to completing the audit.

审计报告草稿: Our audit reports include the scope of the audit as well as affirmative results 和 findings. The draft report is provided to area leadership for review. While this is the first time management sees the draft audit report, all findings will have already been communicated to management prior to this time.

最终审计报告: Once management has had an opportunity to review 和 comment on the report, 最后定稿并分发. The st和ing distribution list for our audit reports includes a number of members of senior management 和 the chair of 校董会审计委员会.

调查结果: Our office revisits management responsible for the action plans in response to findings, in order to ensure the management action plans have been satisfactorily implemented. Findings are not closed until we are confident that adequate response has taken place. Reports on past due findings are provided to executive leadership 和 the Audit Committee at their periodic meetings.