名称选项:首选的名字 & 选择/生活/专业名称

The 正规赌博十大平台排行 recognizes that many of its constituents routinely use a first name or full name other than their legal name. 作为一个欢迎和包容的校园的一部分, the 正规赌博十大平台排行 uses preferred first names 和 chosen/lived/professional names widely in the course of DU business 和 education.

What is a "Preferred First Name” 和 what is a “Chosen/Lived/Professional Name?”

超越法定名称, DU maintains two options for names which substitute in place of all or part of the legal name in University systems.

A first name by which an individual wishes to be identified that is other than the individual's legal name is a "preferred first name.这类似于昵称. Students 和 employees can submit a preferred first name online. The preferred first name will be displayed in addition to legal name rather than replace it, 例如:沙奎尔·拉肖恩·奥尼尔(Shaq).

A chosen/lived/professional name is used in place of a legal name 和 replaces the legal name in most cases. This name option can include a first, middle 和/or last name. 例如, chosen/lived/professional name of Cardi B would replace the legal name of Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar.

Because use of legal name is necessary in certain records 和 communications, both the legal name 和 chosen/lived/professional name are stored in DU's information systems. When a student or employee contacts a DU office in person or by phone, the staff in that office may only have electronic access to the legal name.

While DU will use of the chosen/lived/professional name in most instances, students 和 employees should be aware that the use of the legal name will continue to be necessary in certain communications 和 processes due to DU business or legal requirements 和/or system limitations.


Reasons for using 首选的名字 or 选择/生活/专业名称
Many members of the DU community use a first name or full name that differs from their legal name. 这可能包括那些喜欢使用:

  • 中间名:代替名的中间名;
  • 一个昵称;
  • 英文化的名字;
  • 包含特殊字符的名称:e.g., rensamade, franois, Zoë, surina, Peña
  • a name to which the individual is in the process of legally changing;
  • a name that better represents the individual's gender identity;
  • a name that reflects professional activities, publications, etc.

How to request a preferred first name be entered in DU information systems
Members of the DU community can submit a preferred first name online through MyDU在搜索中输入“profile”,选择My Person profile. Preferred first names can be removed by clicking Update with nothing in the field.

How to request a chosen/lived/professional name be entered in DU information systems
要请求您选择的/生活的/专业的名字,y您可以使用我们的 在线表单 或者我们的论文 更改名称申请表格. Please submit the form to the office indicated in the instructions. Chosen/lived/professional names may be removed using the same form.

DU displays preferred first names 和 chosen/lived/professional names in most public-facing uses. This includes written communications, web displays 和 internal reports 和 processes. Not all University departments will have access to preferred first names while interacting with students.

Use of legal name is necessary for certain data exchanges such as those to government agencies that verify the identity of a student by using the student's legal name. 这些包括(但不限于)成绩单, 工资, 税, 保险, 银行, 财政援助和联邦或州报告.

Individuals may designate a preferred first name or chosen/lived/professional name with which they identify 和 by which they prefer to be known. DU reserves the right to deny a name request in its information systems if the request is fraudulent, 带有冒犯良好品味和体面的内涵, or violates University Regulations 和/or Student Code of Conduct.

The ID printing system will automatically pull your first 和 last name from the DU information platform.  You can request for your “preferred first name” to be used instead; simply let the ID office know prior to printing.  以便使用更喜欢的名字, you must have added that name into the DU system 和 wait about 24 hours for the systems to fully update. While getting an updated card, don’t forget you can also update your picture! Your DU ID card can also be used as an ATM card if you have accounts with US Bank, 在德里斯科尔区有一个校内地点吗. If US Bank has your legal info on file, your DU ID, with preferred first name, works for them! 

DU将提供一个新的DU邮箱地址, 要求, for students or employees who have requested a chosen/lived/professional name. For further information, contact the IT Computer Help Center: http://xoiwnp.52499555.com/uts/helpdesk/.

Students may also specify a "diploma name" to use on DU diplomas. 有关文凭名称的更多信息可在此处找到: http://xoiwnp.52499555.com/registrar/transcripts-grades-records/diplomas.