
The Denver Forensic Institute for 研究, Service and 培训 (丹佛的第一)

丹佛的第一 serves as a regional hub for expertise in forensic mental health. We foster community and university partnerships through a host of research, service and training opportunities. 目前的项目和伙伴关系包括与刑事司法系统有关的成年人和青少年合作. Areas of particular expertise include forensic mental health evaluations, outpatient competency restoration, 移民/asylum issues and forensic neuropsychology.

Our policy and advocacy work focuses on improving forensic mental health systems, ensuring standards for professionals and evaluations, and advocating for legislative reform for marginalized persons. Our accomplished faculty hosts a wide range of forensic psychology expertise. By engaging in research, clinical services and training, we aim to improve forensic mental health practices locally and globally.

Help keep us on the leading edge of forensic psychology.

DenverFIRST Group Picture



我们的专业知识和经验使我们能够在整个科罗拉多州提供法医心理健康服务. 我们在开发和实施尖端的循证实践方面处于领先地位. 服务 offered include:

  • Outpatient competency restoration
  • Forensic assessment and evaluation
  • Animal cruelty and animal abuse evaluations
  • Immigration-related evaluations and interventions
  • Neuropsychological screening and assessment
  • Brain Injuries Screening Program



我们的研究兴趣广泛,但主要集中在循证实践的应用上. 教师以期刊编辑的身份为国家研究活动提供各种服务, 日报》评论员, and conference reviewers, 在传统的学术期刊评审过程之外,他们还撰写了书籍并发表了其他学术著作. Current projects include:

  • 评估法医心理健康评估的信度、效度和质量
  • 培训 and certification of forensic mental health evaluators
  • Improving decision-making in forensic evaluations
  • Supervision and care of persons acquitted by legal insanity
  • 探索门诊和监狱能力恢复干预的有效性
  • 评估来自相关学科(心理健康)的精神病罪犯对暴力风险的态度, 司法, 执法, 修正)
  • 对有潜在创伤性脑损伤的在押人员进行筛查和干预的有效性检验


We're a leading source for forensic mental health training, offering various training sessions, workshops and consultations for forensic evaluators and professionals. 我们的互动式、尖端培训是根据每个客户的需求量身定制的. Recent trainings and presentations include:

  • 移民诉讼中的心理健康问题(科罗拉多州律师协会/落基山移民倡导网络)
  • Forensic mental health: A review of competency, 法律健全, and violence risk (Federal Public Defense Counsel)
  • 大学门户计划:模范社区再入计划(科罗拉多州社区发展协会)

We also provide consultation on the certification of forensic evaluators.

Postdoctoral Fellowship

We offer a postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology. 该奖学金贯穿整个学年(9月初至8月底),并提供实践机会, research and 教学. Fellows have the opportunity to network with mental health professionals, 管理员, 司法人员, 矫正 personnel and other justice system professionals around Colorado. 该奖学金的教学部分与科罗拉多精神健康研究所的法医心理学奖学金和科罗拉多大学的法医精神病学奖学金项目相结合. 

The 2024-2025 application is open.


凯瑟琳Hanniball and 凯瑟琳英镑

  • 凯瑟琳Hanniball, PhD

    Dr. 凯瑟琳·汉尼鲍尔是丹佛第一大学2023-2024年法医心理学博士后研究员之一. 她在华盛顿州法医心理健康服务办公室完成了博士前实习,并获得了博士学位.D. 来自不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学的临床法医心理学博士. 她的博士研究由社会科学与人文研究理事会(SSHRC)资助,她是加拿大瓦尼尔研究生奖学金获得者. Dr. 汉尼鲍尔在各种临床环境中有治疗和评估经验, 包括住院病人, 以社区为基础的, 矫正, and private practice contexts. 她目前在奖学金年度的职责包括法医评估服务, clinical supervision of students, 教学 graduate coursework, and ongoing 研究项目. She maintains research interests in forensic related topics, including psychopathy 和个性 dysfunction, forensic risk assessment, 和创伤.

  • 凯瑟琳英镑, PhD

    Dr. 凯瑟琳·斯特林是丹佛第一大学2023-2024年法医心理学博士后研究员之一. She graduated from Pacific University in Hillsboro, 并在堪萨斯城的行为医学中心完成了博士前实习, 密苏里州. Dr. 斯特林在住院和门诊都进行过治疗和评估, including community mental health clinics and state hospitals. Her current responsibilities include forensic evaluations, 研究项目, 教学 graduate coursework, and supervision of students. Her research interests include personality pathology, 复杂的心理创伤, 妄想障碍, juvenile justice topics, and competency restoration treatment.



  • 乔希·弗朗西斯博士

    Ph.D., Sam Houston State University, 2022

    Dr. Francis was the 2022-2023 丹佛的第一 Postdoctoral Fellow in Forensic Psychology. He graduated from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, 并在堪萨斯城的行为医学中心完成了博士前实习, 密苏里州. He has treatment and evaluation experience in a variety of clinical settings, 包括住院病人, 以社区为基础的, and 矫正 contexts. 他目前担任杜克大学MAFP项目的客座助教教授, 作为丹佛的第一的附属机构,他在社区进行法医评估. Dr. Francis maintains research interests in forensic related topics, including competency restoration outcomes, issues in forensic assessment, 创伤, sensation seeking behavior, 和个性.

  • 卡桑德拉贝利, PhD

    PhD, Sam Houston State University, 2021
    Our 2021-2022 fellow, Dr. 贝利现在是丹佛大都会州立大学的助理教授. 她已经建立了一个私人执业进行法医评估和工作作为丹佛第一附属机构. She continues to research topics related to forensic psychology, 移民, Latinx mental health disparities, and psychometrics of Spanish-language psychological assessment measures.

  • 凯特琳·埃尔南德斯, PsyD

    Postdoctoral Fellow, 丹佛的第一
    Nova Southeastern University

    Dr. 埃尔南德斯是丹佛FIRST法医心理学2020-2021年博士后, where she primarily completed forensic evaluations, 监督, 和教. She graduated from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, 她在威廉斯堡的东弗吉尼亚医学院/东部州立医院完成了博士前实习, VA. She previously worked in a variety of forensic settings, including 矫正 facilities, psychiatric hospitals, and outpatient diversion. 她的主要临床兴趣/职业目标是在刑事和民事法医评估领域, 复杂的心理创伤, 教学, 和监督. 她对童年逆境和创伤对成人功能的影响尤其感兴趣, 特别是涉及到犯罪行为和减少暴力的系统性改变.

  • Jennifer 麦克马洪, PhD

    PhD, John Jay College, 2019

    Our 2019-20 fellow, Dr. 麦克马洪, 是一名法医心理学家,也是科罗拉多州监狱能力评估和恢复项目的临床负责人. She also teaches as adjunct faculty and works as an affiliate of 丹佛的第一.

  • 凯特·麦卡勒姆博士

    PhD, Sam Houston State University, 2018

    Our 2018-19 fellow, Dr. 麦卡勒姆现在是丹佛当地一家惩教机构的法医心理学家. She also has a successful private practice conducting forensic evaluations, and she also works as an affiliate of Denver First.

  • 凯伦·格拉博夫斯基博士

    PhD, Texas Tech University, 2017

    Our 2017-18 fellow, Dr. 格拉博夫斯基, 是法医心理学硕士项目的临床助理教授,也是丹佛第一大学的附属机构. 她也有私人执业,是科罗拉多州法医服务部门的培训和项目顾问主任.

  • 劳伦·贝斯特,博士

    PsyD, Pacific University, 2016

    Our 2016-17 fellow, Dr. 最好的, 经营着一家成功的私人诊所,并在俄勒冈州的一家州立医院兼职担任法医评估员.