





*A former version of this communication incorrectly identified Keith Ellison, former U.S. Representative for Minnesota, as the first Muslim Arab American to serve in Congress. 当埃里森众议员 第一位在国会任职的美国穆斯林, the distinction of the first Arab American to serve in Congress is held by George A. 珊. 我们为疏忽道歉.


As we continue to recognize 和 honor the diversity that enriches the 正规赌博十大平台排行, 今年四月,我们庆祝阿拉伯裔美国人传统月.

We continue to 庆祝 the people of minoritized populations in the United States of America for their enduring contributions to society. Arab Americans have long been a vital part in the fabric of American life. Every time we gaze at a magnificent image from the Apollo moon l和ing, we should thank Dr. Farouk el-Baz, a geologist credited with some of the first images of the moon. When we remember the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, we should remember whistleblower Dr. 莫娜Hanna-Attisha, the pediatrician who impacted the lives 和 well-being of a generation of children. 我们应该认识到乔治. 卡塞姆,前美国总统.S. 加州代表, 谁是第一位阿拉伯裔美国国会议员, breaking barriers 和 opening the door for future Arab political leaders in this country.

几个世纪以来, 阿拉伯社区的成员来到了美国海岸, 与这个国家分享他们的天赋, 才华与独特视角. 我们欢迎来自世界各地的人, we also welcome migrants from the 22 Arab nations who arrive to seek opportunities, 逃离迫害或只是寻求更好的生活. 作为一个社区和一个机构, we have a supporting role to play in helping them to realize their dreams 和 aspirations here in America.

在我们今年4月庆祝阿拉伯裔美国人传统月的时候, 我们敦促你加入我们在我们的对话 即将到来的事件 通过与我们的 穆斯林学生协会, 它是整个校园的资源, to gain a better underst和ing of the experiences 和 contributions of the Arab American communities. 阿拉伯裔美国人是我们社区的宝贵组成部分, 和 we are grateful for their contributions in making DU 和 our nation what they are today.

通过清楚地看到对方,并感同身受, we are able to build coalitions 和 communities based on our shared humanity 和 begin to make progress—progress in addressing the problems that continue to create division 和 st和 in the way of human joy, 连接和推进. 作为一个致力于公益事业的机构, we remain steadfast in sustaining a culture that enables us to lift up, 庆祝, 看到我们这个多元化社区内在的美和力量.





Leslie Brunelli, senior vice chancellor for business 和 financial affairs


Vivek Choudhury,丹尼尔斯商学院院长

Karlton Creech, vice chancellor for athletics, recreation 和 里奇中心 operations

Andrei Kutateladze, dean, College of Natural Sciences 和 Mathematics

Michael Levine-Clark,大学图书馆院长

Jerron Lowe,人力资源临时副校长



Michael McGuire,大学学院院长

Daniel McIntosh, dean, College of Arts, Humanities 和 Social Sciences

Renea Morris,负责营销和传播的副校长


Stephanie O’Malley, associate vice chancellor for government 和 community relations




Tom Romero, interim vice chancellor for diversity, equity 和 inclusion

Michelle Sabick, dean, Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering 和 Computer Science


Shelly Smith-Acuña, dean, Graduate School of Professional Psychology

Gary Starling, interim vice chancellor 和 chief information technology officer

Christopher Whitt, vice chancellor for diversity, equity 和 inclusion

The Arab American Experience: A Conversation on Being 和 Belonging


Arab Americans represent a rich cultural tapestry consisting of 22 countries 和 several ethnicities- each one with its own lingo, 仪式, 菜, 音乐和传统. In the United States this community thrives despite harmful portrayals in the media 和 hurtful interpersonal 和 systemic violence. Conversations about Arab American belonging in the United States begins by humanizing a people too often caricaturized. In the stories of their community; their struggles 和 the successes; their hopes 和 their aspirations we find the people who are our friends, 同行, 的同事们, 和邻居s.




The 正规赌博十大平台排行 is committed to living our values of diversity 和 inclusion. Our community 和 institutional success is dependent on how well we engage 和 embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 学生及校友.

带着共同的价值观 和 in partnership with Human 资源 & 包容性社区(中国人权), 多样性办公室, 股本, 与包容(ODEI), 文化中心, 和有色人种协会(SOCA), we will 庆祝 the identities 和 histories of members of the DU 和 world communities. 每个月我们都会 feature a 工作人员 or faculty member 和 a student in recognition of each heritage month, along with an event to honor one another 和 learn about our unique differences.


Propose a Program or Highlight a DU Community Member for 遗产月

The 正规赌博十大平台排行 is committed to living our values of diversity 和 inclusion. We recognize that our community 和 institutional success is dependent on how well we engage 和 embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 学生, 和校友. 带着共同的价值观, 整个学年, we plan to publish a series of articles to 庆祝 cultural 和 ethnic heritage months. 与人力资源部合作 & 包容性社区(中国人权), 多样性办公室, 股本, 与包容(ODEI), 文化中心, 社区+价值观(C+V), 和有色人种协会(SOCA), we will feature a 工作人员 or faculty member 和 a student in recognition of each heritage month, along with an event to honor one another 和 learn about our unique differences.

也, if you are aware of any events that are happening on campus or have an idea for Heritage Month events, 我们很乐意听取他们的意见,并在全校范围内推广他们.
