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C+V社区讲座与遗产月合作:妇女的历史:立足于正义, Moving Forward Together

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“Dominator culture has tried to keep us all afraid, to make us choose 安全ty instead of risk, sameness instead of diversity. Moving through that fear, finding out what connects us, reveling in our differences; this is the process that brings us closer, that gives us a world of shared values, of meaningful community.” 

― bell hooks, Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope 

本月的 妇女历史社区讲座 是HerDU年度会议的一部分,并从会议主题中汲取灵感, inspired by bell hooks: Justice.  教务长玛丽·克拉克和小组成员将深入研究以社区为基础的方法的必要性,以真正改变机构和更大的社会.  

In order to see this true transformation, communities of support for all women are critical, 由于系统受到挑战,开展工作的新方法被带到最前沿. DU is honored to support seven unique 和 empowering communities of support for women at DU (listed below under 资源). 这个 C+V社区演讲 将深入探讨为什么作为女性在社区中聚集在一起是如此重要. 另外, panelists will discuss how the DU community can, as the Women's Coalition states, “foster an inclusive, 安全, 通过与具有不同文化和社会背景和目标的妇女和团体合作,在正规赌博十大平台排行及其他地方建立赋权环境.”

小组成员将围绕社区如何突破界限展开讨论, take on systems of inequity, 和 make institutional 和 societal change. 这次演讲将重点介绍妇女是如何在历史上做到这一点的在正规赌博十大平台排行和以后,并将继续这样做作为一个强大的妇女群体团结一致, 在一起, moving towards the future. 

Featuring DU community panelists:

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教务长 & Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Denver 

玛丽·克拉克是正规赌博十大平台排行的教务长和执行副校长. With expertise in the areas of higher education law, women’s legal history, 法律道德, judicial politics, 和财产, 克拉克教务长还被任命为斯特姆法学院的教授.

Prior to being named provost at DU, 教务长 Clark served as interim provost, deputy provost, 和 dean of faculty at American University, associate dean for faculty & academic affairs at AU’s law school, director of its doctor of juridical science program, 和 acting director of its Law 和 Government Program. 

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Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Denver

曾Gaibor是正规赌博十大平台排行社会工作研究生院(GSSW)拉丁裔社会工作证书课程的教员和项目协调员. Prior to becoming an educator, 她曾在非营利组织工作,涉及微观和宏观领域的一系列问题,包括学校社工, as director of a neighborhood redevelopment program, 和 as an advocate for affordable housing in New Jersey. 

As an educator, 她的教学集中在批判性地审视社会环境和社会工作者在反压迫实践中需要的自我探究之间的联系. As a first-generation Latina, 她理解将少数群体的声音集中在社会正义问题上的重要性,并致力于在她的工作中实现这一点. Gaibor教授很自豪能够作为Hermanas Latinas的联合创始人和指导老师为DU服务, a graduate student group led by 和 for Latinas. 

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Theresa Hern和ez
Assistant Vice Chancellor of IT 校园 Partnerships, Co-Chair Women's Leadership Council (WLC), University of Denver

Theresa Liguori Hern和ez是正规赌博十大平台排行IT校园合作的助理副校长,也是正规赌博十大平台排行妇女领导委员会的联合主席. 特蕾莎是一位深思熟虑、敬业的领导者,在校园内外发展富有成效的关系方面有着丰富的经验. 她是一位多才多艺、以结果为导向的专业人士,多年来与高绩效团队合作,始终在客户支持和满意度方面表现出色. 特蕾莎于2004年来到正规赌博十大平台排行,18年来一直是正规赌博十大平台排行妇女联盟的一员, serving in a variety of capacities across the various groups. 她是一个值得信赖、务实的人,具有合作态度和领导变革的能力. 她有创造不同的热情,她跨职能工作,以确保她所做的一切都具有弹性.

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Anthea Johnson Rooen
Interim Senior Director, Access 和 Transitions
公平STEM (E-STEM)项目临时高级主管
University of Denver

Anthea brings over 30 years (10 at DU) of experience in diversity, STEM student success, 以及科罗拉多大学博尔德分校和正规赌博十大平台排行的大学正规赌博十大平台排行资格. 她曾在正规赌博十大平台排行多元文化卓越中心(CME)和学生事务与包容性卓越部(SAIE)担任多个职位。. In 2017, she created the Equity in STEM (E-STEM) Program, 支持历史上代表性不足的STEM专业本科生.

As a long time member of the Women's Coalition, she is the co-founder 和 advisor for the Sistah Network, 该组织致力于帮助杜克大学的黑人女性研究生应对她们在研究生社会化和学业坚持方面面临的普遍挑战. 她还与她的员工和教职员工合作开发了Hermanas Latinas. 也, she co-founded the Black Women Lead, 授权, 实现, Dedicate (LEAD), 为高中黑人女学生提供参加一个提升领导力的项目的机会, academic achievement, 和 community involvement while developing their Black woman identity.

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Dr. 格洛丽亚•托马斯
President 和 Executive Director, HERS (Higher Education Resource Services)

  • Learn about Gloria

    Dr. 格洛丽亚维. Thomas于2021年8月被任命为HERS(高等教育资源服务)的总裁. Prior to joining HERS, 托马斯领导了两个校园妇女中心——北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的卡罗莱纳妇女中心(2016-2021)和密歇根大学妇女教育中心(2009 - 2016)。. Prior to these roles, Thomas spent 8 years at the American Council on Education (ACE), 首先担任ACE研究员项目副主任(2000 - 2004),随后担任前高等教育妇女办公室副主任(2004 - 2008)。. 她为目前的职位带来了数十年的经验和与高等教育中女性职业相关的出版物, especially those from historically marginalized gender identities. Thomas received a PhD in Higher Education from the University of Michigan; a master’s degree in English from Villanova University (PA); 和 a bachelor’s degree in English 和 Black Studies from Swarthmore College (PA).