
Although you cannot prevent another's actions, 你可以采取一些措施来减少成为犯罪事件受害者的机会. 我们汇编的安全预防措施鼓励有意的计划和知情的行为,这将帮助您避免风险并最大限度地减少犯罪事件的影响.

年内,我们亦会定期为大学各院系及个别人士举办预防罪案讲座,可按需要安排. For information on scheduling a 预防犯罪 Presentation, please 正规赌博十大平台排行.

探索 our community safety training courses.



  • 意识 & 个人安全
    • 请注意. 意识 of your surroundings can add to your personal safety. If you think you are being followed, or notice someone who is suspicious, go to a place of calculated security 和 call DCS.
    • 在校园内,立即拨打303向控制中心报告可疑活动.871.3000 (1‐3000).
    • Use the "Buddy System" whenever possible. Travel with a trusted friend to minimize your vulnerability. 当你去参加聚会或在社区散步时,有一个朋友陪着你,以确保你俩都是安全的.
    • When traveling alone on 校园 after dark, call us for a walking escort. 学生,教职员工可以拨打303-871-2334进行陪护.
    • Become familiar with lighted areas when walking at night. The DU 校园 has several well-lit sidewalk areas throughout 校园. Use these sidewalks after dark.
    • Keep your doors locked, even if you are in the room. Do not allow people to follow you into secure locations. 要求“尾随者”使用他或她的钥匙或刷卡进入.
    • Report any unusual or suspicious activity that you witness. 即使是最小的信息也可以防止犯罪,帮助保护自己或他人.
    • Stay aware of your surroundings. 听音乐或使用手机会分散你对周围人或车辆的注意力.
    • Seek training in viable self-defense techniques. 不要让犯罪有机会发生——避免让自己置身于罪犯更容易犯下个人罪行的环境中.
    • 如果可能的话, 让朋友或室友知道你要去哪里,和谁在一起,什么时候回来.
    • 如果你需要帮助,可以考虑携带哨子或个人警报器来提醒别人.
    • 锁好车门,摇上车窗——即使你只是停一会儿车.
    • If you choose to drink, drink legally 和 responsibly. Your ability to respond is diminished by overconsumption of alcohol.
    • 开车时,要注意行人和骑自行车的人,并在法律要求时让路
    • 通过正规赌博十大平台排行的紧急通知系统(杜警报)更新您的联系信息 Division of 校园安全 webpage to receive messages about critical safety issues on 校园.
  • 自行车注册

    正规赌博十大平台排行要求那些将自行车带入校园的学生在停车和移动服务中心登记他们的自行车. 登记是免费的,用于提醒自行车车主注意自行车的潜在问题,或将丢失/被盗的自行车归还给其合法所有者. 单车登记透过大学的泊车及流动事务处办理,网址如下:

    自行车注册 - Parking 和 Mobility Services

  • 自行车安全
    • 只使用u型锁装置固定自行车,并确保u型锁穿过自行车的车架. 学生、教职员工经常想知道我们为什么需要使用u型锁. 原因很简单:钢索锁很容易用基本工具切断,自行车在很短的时间内就被偷走了.
    • Only secure your bicycle to designated bicycle racks.
    • Check on your bicycle every couple of days, at minimum.
    • Please take a minute to review a video 由丹佛警察局制作的正规赌博十大平台排行保护自行车安全的指南. 这段视频展示了破解电缆锁是多么容易.
  • 自行车安全提示 & 法律
    • Bikes 和 cars–same rights, same laws. Obey stop signs, traffic signs 和 traffic lights. Set an example for everyone 和 wait for the green light.
    • 在车流中找准位置. 以安全的速度在街道或校园砖路上骑自行车或滑板. City sidewalks are reserved for pedestrians.
    • 总是跟着车流行驶. Ride on the right (or left on one-ways) where drivers expect to see you.
    • 保持警惕,让别人看到你. Steer clear of riding with earphones 和 use lights at night.
  • 救助站
    • 援助站是安装在DU校园各处的固定电话,提供与DCS通信中心的直接连接. These stations are blue in color, feature the words “Assistance” on the tower or wall box, 和 have a push button on the front that reads “呼叫”. They are used to provide assistance to 任何处于困境或需要紧急援助或一般校园援助的人.
    • 我们尽一切努力定期检查和维护紧急电话和援助站,使它们处于良好的工作状态. However, from time to time they do need maintenance. If you notice a problem with an emergency phone or an assistance station, please call DCS at 303-871-2334.
  • 欺诈防范
    • 用十字形碎纸机或碎纸机粉碎垃圾(支票、垃圾邮件和个人文件).
    • 尽量减少个人或公共场合携带的财务和个人信息, especially your Social Security Number.
    • 不要给出个人或账户信息,除非你知道你在和谁说话,并且你已经联系了.
    • 研究并意识到各种类型的欺诈和诈骗,如航运诈骗, 支票兑现诈骗, 尼日利亚诈骗, 洛托诈骗, confidence games 和 internet scams.
  • 行人安全须知 & 法律
    • Always cross the street at an intersection.
    • Obey the “walk/don’t walk” pedestrian signals. Don’t enter the crosswalk once the h和 begins flashing.
    • Use the “push to walk” button, where available. It adds pedestrian crossing time to the traffic signal.
    • 时刻保持警惕. Don’t be a distracted walker.
    • Never assume vehicles see you. Look both ways before you cross the street.
    • Always cross the street at an intersection.
    • Obey the "walk/don't walk" pedestrian signals. Don't enter the crosswalk once the h和 begins flashing.
    • Use the "push to walk" button, where available. It adds pedestrian crossing time to the traffic signal.
    • 时刻保持警惕. Don't be a distracted walker.
    • Never assume vehicles see you. Look both ways before you cross the street.
    • 根据科罗拉多州法律, 作为一个行人, 除非你在人行横道上站稳脚跟,否则你没有先行权. 如果你在人行横道以外的任何地方过马路,你必须让路给车辆.
  • Preventing Violence on 校园


    • 不撑开门
    • Lock your residence at all times
    • Report suspicious activity by calling 911 和 303-871-3000.


    • Keep doors 和 windows locked, 百叶窗和窗帘, exterior lights on 和 report suspicious activity by calling 911.


    • 在上车之前,始终把车门锁上,把钥匙拿在手里.
    • 不停车让搭车的人.


    • Stay in well-lit, high-traffic areas. 欢迎所有社区成员与校园安全部门联系,以便每天24小时步行护送, 一周7天, 请拨打303-871-2334.

cpt /安全走

我们每年举办一次名为“安全行走”的活动,涉及DU校园安全和设施管理, 邀请学生集体参观校园,找出校园物理环境中可以改变或改善的因素,以提高安全性. 本次活动遵循大学的CPTED(通过环境设计预防犯罪)的努力.




每周7天,每天24小时在校园内为所有社区成员提供步行护送服务. If you are concerned about walking across 校园 by yourself, please call our non-emergency line, 303-871-2334, 和 an officer will walk with you to your destination.



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