Campus Life

A personal experience, for every student

大学经历不仅仅是你上的课或获得的学位. 这也是正规赌博十大平台排行建立终身联系,成为社区的一部分,帮助你成长为你想成为的人.

  • 11,600 students (close to half graduate, half undergraduate)
  • Over 100 student-run clubs and organizations
  • 125 acres of beautiful campus space
  • 720英亩的原始荒野毗邻罗斯福国家森林 

Living at DU

Students live on campus for their first two years at DU, so our community is constantly infused with new faces, ideas and experiences. Whether you test your wings in a living and learning community, club sports, or any of the student organizations based on campus, you're sure to find a home at DU.

秋天漫步校园,你会发现学生们在绿地上放松, enjoying the changing colors of our many trees. Winter brings the First Snow Celebration, 我们的社区聚集在一起喝热巧克力,打雪仗,学生和教师享受着白雪覆盖的校园的原始美景. Once the snow melts, with nature in full bloom, 你会发现我们的草坪和绿地上挤满了沐浴在科罗拉多阳光下的学生.

With five residence halls, a range of dining options and easy access to the Mile High City, this is where your path begins.

Living at DU

mountain campus

Redefining the Traditional Campus Experience

With the introduction of the James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus, 杜是唯一一所将城市校园和山地校园相结合的大学, 为每个学生提供在多方面成长的机会,以引领有目的的生活, 为他们自己,也为你们将在世界各地的社区带来的改变. Here, 在我们的城市校园里,每个学习者都有一些东西可以扩展和应用到你的学习中. And thanks to the generosity of our donors and supporters, 这些体验对我们的学生或他们的家庭没有额外的经济负担. 

  • Bridge over Evans

    Driscoll Student Center: Driscoll is the hub of student activity on campus. 它位于中心位置,所以你可以在书店买到你的书和DU设备, get coffee on your way to class, meet up with friends, 或者访问我们在一个地方提供的许多学生和职业支持服务.

  • AAC on a dusky springs ever

    Anderson Academic Commons: 我们的印刷和数字图书馆以及学术支持服务的所在地, 安德森是一个现代化的大学图书馆,是一个学习和专注于实现目标的完美场所. You'll also find a coffee shop, 一个数字媒体中心和安静的会议室,在那里你可以和其他学生一起做项目.

  • Student on lawn reading

    Green Spaces: 我们的校园里有一个植物园,有2100多棵树,几乎每座建筑附近都有郁郁葱葱的草坪. You'll have plenty of space to stretch out, take in 300 days of Colorado sunshine and be active with your friends.

  • work out space

    Fitness and Wellness Facilities: The golden spire of the Ritchie Center is visible for miles around Denver. 该中心设有NCAA体育设施和库尔斯健身中心. As a student, you'll have free access to the Health & Counseling Center as well as our Olympic-sized pool, a climbing wall and a range of other athletics amenities.

  • mountain campus

    James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus: The latest elevation of the DU experience, our mountain campus offers students the chance to reflect, 连接和探索科罗拉多州令人惊叹的自然景观-增强我们的签名 4D Experience

On Campus


Promoting Sustainability

我们正规赌博十大平台排行气候变化和可持续发展的正式政策利用了我们在研究方面的伙伴关系和学术努力, 教学和服务,以提高我们的可持续发展和提高社会意识.

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Marcus Commons presentation

Marcus Commons Reimagined

丹尼尔斯商学院房地产和建筑环境专业的10名学生分成小组,提出了将Marcus Commons改造成一个灵活的社区的想法, functional and collaborative space.

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Arts & Activities

With over 100 student-run clubs, there's no shortage of things to do on campus, Explore the Rockies with the Alpine Club, team up with your friends through club sports, or help improve local communities through our service organizations. Campus lights up with action during the hockey season, 我们的文化节将人们聚集在一起,庆祝和表达我们多元化社区的许多经历.

我们已经建立了一个校园,作为我们的学生和我们称之为家的城市的文化中心. The Newman Center for the Performing Arts hosts concerts, theatrical performances and talks by cultural icons from around the world. At our art gallery and small theaters located on campus, 你可以为文化对话贡献自己的声音,向来自丹佛和其他地方的当代艺术家学习.

Most important, 我们努力培育一个多元化和包容的社区,尊重每一个观点,鼓励智力探索. As we're non-denominational, we support people of all faiths. Through class work, community projects and on-campus discussion and initiatives, we strive to bring people of all backgrounds into the conversation.


Arts & Activities

Creating Memories

DU community members show off homemade goods at DU Maker's Market.
DU Maker's Market

From pickles to 3D printing, DU students, faculty, 工作人员和社区成员在杜创客市场展示他们自制的产品, presented by the Center for Sustainability.

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University of Denver students celebrate First Snow.
DU Celebrates First Snow

Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence hosts the annual DU First Snow. Students, faculty and staff mark the occasion with hot chocolate and donuts, all while staying warm next to a fire pit on Driscoll Green.

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student getting support

Academic Support

我们相信生活和学习应该相辅相成,是整个大学经历的两个部分. As a Pioneer, 你将有机会获得支持系统,帮助你利用自己的优势,把梦想变成现实.

我们已经建立了一个职业服务系统,帮助你最大限度地利用你的机会,并通过我们与丹佛和全球校友社区的联系发现新的机会. We'll help you find internships, so you gain valuable work experience. 到了下一步的时候,我们会在你寻找一份令人满意的工作时提供支持.

We believe in assisting everyone on campus as they pursue their goals. Diversity is essential to our community, and we're dedicated to serving the needs of individuals of every race, gender and sexual orientation. You'll have a safe, 温馨的环境,你可以探索你的身份,发现你真正想成为谁, no matter your background or where you are from.

Academic Support

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