

  • 生命C/筏:一个4D社区的关怀

    符合4D对个人和社区繁荣的承诺, faculty 和 staff 被邀请加入 Life C/raft (Craftivists Re-storying Academic Fatigue 和 Turmoil), 4D关爱社区. Recognizing that an individual's well-being is not the sole responsibility of one person, 而是集体的责任(梅林) & Gray-Donald), Life C/raftivists will engage in a community quilting project designed to make space for stories of grief 和 loss, 心理健康, 倦怠, 和 others that often go untold by faculty 和 staff in academic spaces. 通过抵制沉默我们的挑战, 我们将创建一个关爱社区, 使我们的校园成为一个更人性化的工作和支持学生的地方. 除了, participants will also learn ways to creatively build communities of care in their own units 和 classrooms across campus.

    Dr. Erin Willer (4D Director of 教师 Innovation; Professor, Communication Studies) will lead the community along with additional support provided by Dr. 弗雷德·舍维洛修女(教授, 语言, 文献, 和 Cultures; Quilter Extraordinaire) 和 Dr. Becca Ciancanelli (Director of Inclusive Teaching Practices, Office of Teaching 和 Learning).

    参与者将获得250美元的津贴. You do not need to have quilting or sewing experience or even consider yourself a creative person to participate. 然而,生活C/现实主义者将被要求做出以下承诺:

    • Attending at least four out of five of the following in-person, Life C/raft quilting workshops:
      • 2月24日上午10:00 - 11:30.m.
      • 3月10日上午10:00 - 11:15.m.
      • 4月7日上午10:00 - 11:15.m.
      • 4月21日上午10:00 - 11:15.m.
      • 5月5日上午10:00 - 11:30.m.
    • Participating in a Life C/raftivist workshop at the 4D Symposium on Thursday, May 18, 2023

    Interested participants should complete the Qualtrics form below by noon on February 6th. Spots are limited so participation will be on a first come first serve basis once the Qualtrics form is complete. You will be notified if you have secured a spot or been placed on the waiting list. 有问题请联系Erin Willer: Erin.willer@52499555.com.


  • 4D反思教师学习社区

    教师 in all lines 被邀请加入 a learning community centered on the 4D pillar of reflection, 4D的学生学习和体验的整体模式是基于什么. Teaching reflection to students helps them to make sense of the 4D ecosystem that they are a part of 和 participate in at DU. 如上图所示, faculty participants will learn about a 360-degree approach to reflection that allows students to tap into prior knowledge, 理解, 和 experiences to see how they may build upon 和 integrate them with their current learning. 这个特定的, intentional reflection helps bridge gaps for both faculty 和 students, allowing students to make use of their prior knowledges 和 experiences 和 faculty to gain a clearer underst和ing of student learning. 总而言之, faculty participants will learn how to build reflection 和 Portfolios into their existing 教学 practices.

    参与者将获得250美元的津贴. You do not need to have experience with reflection or ePortfolios to participate; however, RLC参与者将被要求作出以下承诺:

    Attending at least four out of five of the following in-person workshops:

    • 2023年3月31日上午10:00 - 11:00.m.
    • 2023年4月14日上午10:00 - 11:15.m.
    • 2023年4月21日上午10:00 - 11:15.m.
    • 2023年5月5日上午10:00-11:00
    • 2023年5月12日晚上11:00 - 12:15.m.
    • Participating in a reflection workshop at the 4D Symposium on Thursday, May 18, 2023

    Interested participants should complete the Qualtrics form found at the link below by noon on March 13, 2023. Spots are limited so participation will be on a first come first serve basis once the Qualtrics form is complete. You will be notified if you have secured a spot or been placed on the waiting list.

    Dr. 卡拉Taczak, 4D反思研究员和写作教员, 将领导学习社区, 可以通过kara联系到.taczak@52499555.com


  • 杜克大学同情实验室


    连接到4D专注于字符, this 4D Community of Practice will work together to en愿景 an interdisciplinary Compassion Lab at DU that will serve as a campus resource 和 home for those whose research, 创造性的工作, 教学, 服务, 社区伙伴关系, 和/或其他工作的重点是培养同情心. 教师 of all ranks 和 lines with expertise around compassion 和/or related constructs, 比如同理心, 社会支持, 社会联系, 换位思考, 爱, 善良, 仁, 恩典还是怜悯, 在艺术的理论和应用环境中, 被邀请加入.

    The goal for the Spring 2023 Community of Practice is to launch a plan for the Compassion Lab at DU, 包括它的使命, 愿景, 和价值观. 另外, 工作可能包括研究其他实验室模型, connecting with campus partners to identify potential needs around compassion, 和 collectively identifying internal research 和 project priorities.

    参与者将获得500美元的津贴. 需要什么?

    1. Attend at least 4 of the 5 Spring Quarter Community of Practice working meetings, each approx. 90 minutes (schedule will be developed when community members are finalized)
    2. 在会议间隙做1-2小时的工作
    3. 参加2023年5月18日星期四的4D研讨会

    Interested participants should complete the Qualtrics form found at the link below by noon on March 13. Spots are limited so participation will be on a first come first serve basis once the Qualtrics form is complete. You will be notified if you have secured a spot or been placed on the waiting list.

    Dr. Cris Tietsort (4D 教师 Fellow of Character; Assistant Professor, 传播学)将领导这个社区, 并且可以在危机中找到他们.tietsort@52499555.com


  • 4D幸福实践社区


    Have you taught a course that touches on the theory or practice of social, 情感, 金融, 精神上的, 物理, 或者幸福的其他方面? OR, do you have student well-being in mind when you design your courses? Would you like to share current practices 和 experiences related to 教学 about (or 教学 for) well-being at DU?

    这个教师社区将专注于幸福的4D维度, sharing practices currently in use that either a) teach students about well-being, 广义定义(e).g., 健康课程, 自我保健, 情绪调节, 社会联系, 财政扫盲, 灵性), B)教学生练习与幸福有关的技能.g., 教授正念的课程, 体育运动, 指导, 金融技能), or c) use well-being during course design to enhance learning of other, 与健康无关的课程材料(例如.g., 包容性实践旨在塑造成长型思维模式, 决策, grace; help students prioritize sleep, 社会联系, 和自我照顾以促进学习).

    The goal of this community of practice is to a) form a small faculty community of those who believe well-being can have an important place in the classroom, b)收集杜克大学当前涉及幸福感的教学实践, 和 c) develop strategies to support faculty interested in further integrating well-being in their courses.

    这个实践社区的参与者将会面90分钟, 从3月1日到6月1日共5次. Participants should also be available to attend the 4D Symposium on May 18, 2023. 参加这些会议的人将获得500美元的报酬, 《正规赌博十大平台排行》, 和 their asynchronous contributions to developing support for faculty to begin to engage in this work (4-6 hours).

    社区将由凯特丽·麦克雷领导, 4D幸福与心理学学院研究员. Interested participants should complete the Qualtrics form found at the link below by March 13. 所有系列的全职教师都有资格. 如果申请的教师多于可用的名额, faculty with a range of approaches to 和 expertise in well-being will be selected. 联系人:凯特瑞.mcrae@52499555.com
